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Chelsea Moreritz
Aho everyone i dont have great name yet that was for somebody else lol that same age has me. but still sent you love and blessings and aho still to all of you. the red one. chelsea bear that who i am loveable cuddly me lol -she laughed- yup when mistakes are funny to me i will laugh next time say who is this lol that my lesson for today.
Like · · Follow Post · June 8 at 7:39pm
Darcee Lucas likes this.
Chelsea Moreritz p.s i delete my mistakes make sure everyone knows thatjust chelsea bear lol
June 8 at 7:43pm · Like
WhiteBuffalo CalfWoman
For you all my children, Strength of Angel circle prayer: I bless this food we are about to share, to break bread and dare to consume the life that gifted to us twice, the flesh to live our lives. I am devoted to all the sacred, the divided lands we share. Can all the children find happiness, instead of always finding glare. Give me true my little children of a view, the sunshine in their smile. I gift my heart to you awhile, because you are my child. And as we bow our heads today, in grateful gratitude, we the devoted children, long to embrace and please. Thank you for all you gift to the world, each rainbow stream. I know we are part of each other, this circle prayer I share. And those who come uninvited, know we are going to embrace and develop their scare, because we demand them to dew the blessings, to keep us safe as doves. Peace my children. I bless you nine streams that hold us closer. Peace my children I bless you all Mothers and Father who share. Peace be with you, for all the little tiny insects out there, making sure we have food to share. I bow and gift my love away. I the red-lavender child does pray. Thank you family. your devoted Great Great Mother Strength of Angel
Like · · Follow Post · June 7 at 6:59pm
Darcee Lucas, Chelsea Moreritz and Helen Whitfield like this.
WhiteBuffalo CalfWoman Strength of Angels Circle Prayer
We Bless You: Strength of Angels Circle Prayer
I bless the sacred nine directions in you, my relative of the blue. Welcome int...
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June 7 at 10:49pm · Like · 2 ·
WhiteBuffalo CalfWoman Beloved Chelsea Bear, This is not your great name, you will have to enter hoop 2 to receive your great name. And you will know, because I will send you a "Song" with three names. Sometimes, I do get the first name mission, like Grandmother Upon the Hill and Rainbow Mother Dove of Angels, but it's not usual. But I will tell you. Great Great Spirit Mother Strength of Angels gifted a Circle Prayer for all of us including you. In fact when she did the prayer, she left out the s in Angels. So I had to correct it on the blog. Anyway, your happiness is her devoted love falling upon you. Grandmothers and gray overlay like you have often feel a warm feeling when hearing from the Great Mothers, it's natural to feel close to them. I hope your read the whole blog explaining who is Great Great Spirit Mother. Okay, love you and talk to you soon, aho and over the rainbow, your devoted servant, White Buffalo Calf Woman, elder crystal child,
June 8 at 7:22pm · Like
Chelsea Moreritz ohes -she rub the back of her head- sorry about that sister whitebuffalocalfwoman. lol my fault... from your sister red one chelsea bear.....
June 8 at 7:26pm · Like
Chelsea Moreritz lol tell the person that holds this name hellos and aho lol
June 8 at 7:34pm · Like
Chelsea Moreritz from chelsea bear
June 8 at 7:37pm · Like
Darcee Lucas
Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy...I
send you love and blessings this day and a multitude of gratitude for all your guidance and support in this time of transition and learning.......respect......blessings.....Rainbow Mother Of Dove Angels
Like · · Follow Post · June 8 at 5:46pm
WhiteBuffalo CalfWoman and Molly Turner like this.
WhiteBuffalo CalfWoman Aloha Beloved Rainbow Mother Dove of Angels, thank you for your love. Passing over the Rainbow, flies the doves! White Buffalo Calf Woman sending love!
June 8 at 7:17pm · Like · 1
Darcee Lucas
Aloha is a new day, i feel so challanged, your song a prayer are sooo beautiful, i am blessed to have your energy sent my way..........sending love and compassion back to you to regenerate...................bless
Like · · Unfollow Post · May 21 at 4:17pm
Darcee Lucas and Helen Whitfield like this.
WhiteBuffalo CalfWoman Aho Dove of Angels (Darcee Lucus, Rainbow Mother) you said in a song "I bless the nine directions, that bend, bow to the soul, flying in the wind. We shall unite again, to bring a soul, to bend (bow to the rainbow), to remember love is within, where the wind blows!" Help your son learn about blessing the sacred nine directions. "I bless the sacred nine directions" Help him teach others to do this. Once he helps his girl friend learn this, I will make another visit to purify the space. This will be a difficult task, but for Hawaiians it may not be as difficult as on the mainland. The girlfriends father has to get used to having others bless the nine directions. When I arrive, he will not be afraid and be able to tolerate and even receive my blessings (total purification), but it won't last, but for awhile, unless he learns to cleanse himself with blessings, dancing and singing. Okay, just wanted to follow up, each must do their part, helping our relatives who seem to be in the dark. Blessed are those who ask, for they are the humble ark of heaven. Your devoted sister, White Buffalo Calf Woman
May 24 at 2:04am · Like · 2
Darcee Lucas mahalo my devoted sister White Buffalo Calf do see...i am so greatful your have insite and understand my struggle....Purfication is definatly need......looking fwd to the cleanse
May 27 at 2:09pm · Like
Darcee Lucas teach us of the nine directions.........
May 27 at 4:39pm · Like
WhiteBuffalo CalfWoman Aloha Dove of Angels, will try to create an image for you soon to help navigate the nine directions. Eight is holy, four inside colors, four outside colors and where I stand, like the red circle in the center (image to left), the ninth direction. Holy is also the lavender child, like Holiness David Running Eagle. Lavender children are always called Holiness. They are the force of love, the living fire (birthing flesh). You are the rainbow child, you are the rotating frequencies of the rainbow clan, as the Rainbow Mother to the Universe (birthing soul). You have to enforce the living fire, for you two, lavender and rainbow carry the red robe. Magenta and red also carries the "red robe" as well. Red is the law of love, and often lessons find you, because the law of love needs enforcement, and this means, the red robes know how to help others in times of need. It's not easy these days, but through sacred purification of our nine directions, eight all around (four inside/four outside) and where we stand (center or all around). If we fight for the blessings that purify, then we fight to bring us together, rather than fight to separate. It's not easy, but true love fights for heavenly virtues, as a Cosmic Mother from heaven can teach. Because the rainbow child, shows us how to roll over. This means from one road of the heart (blue heavenly road) and the mind (red earthly road), moving from one place to the other place. To choose to purify, rather than fight about who is right or wrong, helps us remember our perfection. We are each a child of God, and we need Mothers to help us find ourselves. Child, "Bless the sacred nine directions" now, I feel your pain, more, keep going (blessing), until I feel love again. I will know, I am woman, I am Mother, I can feel and know, when love returns. Then we can talk about all your needs. Rolling over is not easy, learning how to bring an impure state (not feeling good) to purity (feeling good), means we demand (purification) the sacred blessings, to unite our hearts once more. When we bless the nine directions, we don't miss any place within space (relativity). Love and blessings to the sacred nine directions. I bow to the Rainbow Mother Dove of Angels who seeks reconciliation to heartbroken children of the Rainbow Clan, all who are in desperate need to know about true love. We pray for a changing value or mores of our world, for heaven reigns and all within is revealed. your devoted servant, Whitebuffalocalfwoman Twindeermother, elder crystal child,, Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy
May 28 at 10:59pm · Like
Darcee Lucas Mahalo White buffalo Calf woman..........that blessing helps i will work hard to change my bad feelings to good to receive the pruifcation......i am blessed to have you on our path........a hui hou Rainbow Mother of Doves..........
June 2 at 7:02pm · Like
Whitebuffalocalfwoman Twindeermother Beloved Dove of Angels, Yes, I have been thinking about you. I am glad to hear that the blessings are helping your sacred spaces. I am blessed to have you on our path. When your son, has helped his friend bless in the house constantly, making it commonplace (week or two), I would like to visit again to purify completely. Also, the girlfriend, son or you can ask for a sacred song blessing (prayer) for the girlfriend's father. He is like many men who need to know their place. Becoming a warrior is not as easy. Force is law abiding, LOVE. However we tend to use force, without love. It's usually a misunderstanding of heaven (darkness, female, sound, water, blue road). I also wanted to say, my computer is down and when I can, I will help share more about the nine directions. I need to draw some diagrams or images, just wanted you to know, that I have not forgotten. Thank you for sharing and gifting your heart with us here with Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy, at the Circle at Facebook. your devoted servant, White Buffalo Calf Woman, elder crystal child,, Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy ps. Oh I was thinking about Wondrousshipsails Standupdream (Tom Deeney) and we have been sending him love. He calls for a prayer once in awhile. Up and down the rolling hills, round and round we go!
June 4 at 12:15am · Like
Darcee Lucas ALOHA, Twindeermother Whitebuffalocalfwoman thank u for your response and blessings, i ask for a song and prayer for the father, i have only met him once and talked to him only to try communicate with my son when the phones were down, my son is living in their space with the girlfriend alee, my son is cody.....i feel he is an old soul, but his wisdom is comming dim with the new arrangement, I miss him soooo much in our forest home as he is staying on another slope north of our lava flow forest home........i am so greatful for you grace and peace of mind.........i too think of Tom...Wondrousshipsails Standupdream often...we lost touch around the time we started to communicate....i miss him he okay??? blessings WhiteBuffalo CalfWoman....Rainbow Mother of Doves.........aloha
June 5 at 7:08pm · Like
Darcee Lucas do you mean Cody's Father or Alee's Father wher they are staying???...that would help me keep my energy focused in the right sons father just called me today from cali...he is how i met {Tom Deeny} Wondrousshipsails Standupdream....his father is open and supportive....Alee's Father i am unsure
June 5 at 7:11pm · Like
Darcee Lucas Whitebuffalocalfwoman Twindeermother i am awaiting your response, i know when the time is right it will be reveiled.......blessings Rainbow Mother of Dove Angels
June 7 at 4:38pm · Like
WhiteBuffalo CalfWoman Beloved Dove of Angels, thank you for your patience. Yes, it's Alee's Father (Blog about kahooa (big islander man) stands: Dove of Angels asks, "Please Send Your Loving Energy to Protect" There are two things we can dew, let him know I will be coming to bless the house or simply make sure your son and his girlfriend, bless the sacred nine directions constantly. All will be used to it. I don't think it should be an issue with Alee's father. I think it's more about creating a habit. Once it feels familiar the sacred blessings or cleansing of sacred space, then it will be much easier for me to be received, to purify much deeper to the cosmic dust. You know Grandmother Comfort in the Wind and her family are working on actually moving their spirits in formation, real warrior training in the heavenly blue fields (rings of sound, where our souls fly). I will send you some of the recordings. Remind me if I forget. Teaching people the sacred blessings is the first step to being safe. Being devotional and grateful for the world with sow many terrible things happening. The stories are sad, yet foretold. Prophecy is coming alive, we have been waiting for 2000 years, now we wonder if it will evern happen
White Buffalo Calf Woman: Dove of Angels asks, "Please Send Your Loving Energy to Protect"
White Buffalo Calf Woman interprets visions, dreams and so much more. Learn abo...
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June 7 at 4:58pm · Like · 1 ·
WhiteBuffalo CalfWoman (continuing) Prophecy is coming alive, we have been waiting for 2000 years, now we wonder if it will ever happen, the great cleansing. The very fact I am talking to the world, shares a story of a coming when the four corners of the world would be in chaos. And only the four rolling hills united as a circle will bind our heavenly souls together. The rainbow clan is only the first step to know our spaces of relativity. We are relatives of the rainbow, and our Kahooa needs help. Many fallen warriors want to fight, but think it's fighting on the red road of earth, instead of the fight for love on the blue road of heaven. Get your sun to bless and Alee too, for this is the first step to getting relief for all inside this household. Your son is there, because he is needed. Lessons come to us, to teach us how to become better as who we are. He is to care for others and fight for their souls return. This is not easy in a time, when the winds (songs) are disturbing. We hear lots of things (good angel, bad angel), but only purification will bring the harmony back in the winds around our lives. WE bow to the sacred blessings, then we can find ourselves once again. Holiness David Running Eagle and I will be doing a Sacred Song Blessing for Alee's father later on today. Now about Tom Deeney, we love Tom, but Tom our beautiful Stand Up Dream needs to love Tom as well. Sow we hear from him, when he needs a song, then we don't hear from him for awhile. We will talk more about our Relative later, just wanted you to know we are hear, just very busy with the Rainbow Hoops. Love you and will talk to you soon, your devoted child, White Buffalo Calf Woman your Twin Deer Mother, elder crystal child,
June 7 at 5:07pm · Like · 1
Darcee Lucas you are so beautiful and loving WhiteBuffalo CalfWoman, I feel so blessed with your words, now i better understand my sons presence where he is now.
June 8 at 1:20pm · Like
Darcee Lucas i have spoken to my son and read to him your requests, he said "for sure" he will be blessing, he is and old soul and understands you and is open to your blessings of love and song.....thank you, i have so much gratitude and respect for all the efforts of youself WhiteBuffalo CalfWoman, Holiness David Running Eagle,Grandmother Comfort, blessings to you........devoted Rainbow Mother Dove of Angels
June 8 at 1:27pm · Like
Darcee Lucas also my Rekatives of Rainbow Warriors
June 8 at 2:51pm · Like
Darcee Lucas i have read of your visist again, i paid close attention to the messages, i understand better now and am greatful for you energies, Rainbow Mother of Dove Angels
June 8 at 3:17pm · Like
Darcee Lucas hmmmmmmmm.... Grandmother Onthehill, your message is understood, but does this pertain to our pruification of the relationship between myself and my sons girlfriend who is trying to keep us from our closness???
June 8 at 5:32pm · Like
Darcee Lucas love of mother and son will prevaile
June 8 at 5:32pm · Like
WhiteBuffalo CalfWoman Aho Dove of Angels, (Rainbow) Mother and (Crystalline) Sun. This is the formulation of the crystalline stone river, always through time. Finally got the lava images for the post for his song. I love his song, inside deep it resonated. I am sorry I did not record the sounds, however we got the words. I have an idea that would help. Ask your Sun Cody and girlfriend Alee to ask him (kahooa) to teach them to drum, dance and sing (offensive attack, cleansing the world). This way he is older will teach the younger and peace will come into the home. Kahooa doesn't know what to dew, but he forgot he always had the answers. Kids have a great way to get adults into play and fun. He has forgotten joy and teaching what he knows to the kids, will bring back his joy and fill the house with love again. Glad you reread and glad to hear he will start the blessings (defensive attack, dealing with the impure) Talking to you soon, love and blessings. your devoted servant, White Buffalo Calf Woman your Twin Deer Mother, elder crystal child, Aho. Sacred Song Blessings for Kahooa: Thunder Feel My Feet
June 8 at 7:03pm · Like · 1 ·
Dennis Akpan
Dear Relatives, I Feel,Right now, your dreams are dreams. What you want is what you want. Tomorrow, and the days to come in the future, your dreams can become reality. What you want can become what you
have. Now, let's change these last two sentences to reflect a greater sense of confidence.
Tomorrow, and the days to come in the future, your dreams *will* become reality. What you want *will* become what you have. Simply changing the word "can" to "will" did something
amazing. It removed doubt! It revealed a confidence that was not there before. Now, there is no possibility for ultimate failure because you know you will do whatever it
takes to ultimately succeed.
The work might be difficult at times, the obstacles may be high and wide, but they are no match for a confident you. You know what you want, and you are going to get it.
Affirm this to yourself. Write down a few of your goals and say that you WILL achieve them, as soon as you take the necessary steps.Doubt slows you down. It makes you think. It makes you worry and hesitate. Doubt costs you time. Since time is invaluable, doubt is, thus, infinitely costly.
Remove doubt and stride confidently toward your dreams! Peace and Love Always.....(Dennis)
Like · · Follow Post · June 8 at 8:08am
Darcee Lucas, Chelsea Moreritz and Dennis Akpan like this.
Warriors of the Rainbow Clan learning to be Parents and Soldiers to Love in the leaves (relatives in the blue of me and you, the trail of tears). Take up weapons to slain, all we don't need (sever ignorance, with validation, mending two broken hearts). Yet as our hearts tremble (because those who use hate or separation), we stand for LOVE all the way, this means we are loyal to all of God children who breath. We have tears abundant for all who need to forgive their parents and children please. Because a new Dawning is coming, to alleviate all this fuss, and make us be champions, who fight in the dust. Planting and rooting, to find the waters edge, there we are the heart of everything said. New stories are abundant to all that we say, and we are going on a journey, that leads us a way (in sacred flight, the souls dream). Into the hearts of those who need light, to bless all their darkness, sow shade will be right (from within the darkness the light is born)(by alleviating their plight, blessed by heaven, the soul's realm through the sacred walk). We are fighting for LOVE every day, including the LOVE of HEAVEN sent. Let us be warriors who stand for what is right, because we show mercy, and we have more love to show the way. Teach what is right, that law is the LOVE, then when two hearts united, we fight with intelligence. However if LOVE doesn't lead the way, then we fight to unite LOVE, two broken hearts, then we know that we are walking the truth path, the love to each other, the kind that lasts, over rolling hills in time, over the suns, and into the heart of the blue seas of every one. We are the Prophecy, the Rain upon the Land, so parched, it will need a Rainbow, to serve it home the right way and know where to land (the Rainbow always lands on the pot of gold, abundance, brotherhood)!