Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy

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Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Circle May 15, 2012

Join us at the Circle at

Whitebuffalocalfwoman Twindeermother
Gifting love to all the world, come relatives let us herd. Come together and shine today, to bring us all the waves. Rainbow Colors come to me, to carry us through another daze, the dreaming of wonder come shine in me, to show the world just how to say, "I love you true". I love you true, because it's what my heart longs to feel from you. I love you true, my heart is (true) blue, the relative who knows which wave to flow. Come children stand, open hands, let us come together in one band. It's the Rainbow Clan, it's true and blue, the hands of God, that's me and you. We are beholden to all you dew, because you stand there and send love too. We bow down for you. Blessings to the sacred nine directions. White Buffalo Calf Woman Sings, elder crystal child, Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy. What color are you?
Like ·  · Unfollow Post · May 15 at 8:28pm
Cindy Roberts, Chelsea Moreritz and Darcee Lucas like this.

Chelsea Moreritz beautiful sister beautiful wbcw good words. My color is red i am elder soul here to enforce the love you bring. i sing to carry it to because love can reach far distances and it can heal all hearts. to enforce love and to have that love and respect return is best thing me red child would have and to with hold peace. from chelsea bear
May 15 at 9:28pm · Like · 2

Chelsea Moreritz But it really all depends on person and there beliefs . To some one that can see auras they see color of a person in some cases like this one could represent the soul. It also depends on what you think and religion or customs you learn. But to me it just listen and understand these things and to be happy on what the person does and give them love and support. From chels bear.
May 16 at 10:25am via mobile · Like

Whitebuffalocalfwoman Twindeermother
Administrators, To approve Morris's (Morris Mandole II) request to join Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy, visit the Requests section at the top of your group:

For groups with multiple admins
If you don't see the option to add Morris, another admin may have already handled this request.

Can't find it, to add this person and there is no link back to him from facebook email. Their link did not work also. I can't find the requests section at all. Do you know Susan Perna or Angel White Tiger Spirit?

Aho and over the Rainbow, White Buffalo Calf Woman
(trying to be one of the administrators)
Like ·  · Unfollow Post · May 15 at 8:53pm

Chelsea Moreritz
Goodnight brothers and sisters. Sweet dream i am off to go sleepy time. Aho everyone and may angels watch over you and spirits has well. from chelsea bear
Like ·  · Follow Post · May 15 at 10:50pm

WhiteBuffalo CalfWoman Goodnight my little Sister Chelsea Bear. Sweet dreams to all the beams of light that fly out of you tonight. White Buffalo Calf Woman sings to bring our hearts out to gleam!
May 15 at 11:16pm · Like · 2

Whitebuffalocalfwoman Twindeermother

Like ·  · Unfollow Post · May 15 at 9:11pm
Darcee Lucas likes this.

Chelsea Moreritz nice pic sister white buffalo calf woman. makes me want to find pot of gold. lol from chels beare
May 15 at 9:13pm · Like

Chelsea Moreritz chels bear*
May 15 at 9:13pm · Like

Whitebuffalocalfwoman Twindeermother

Like ·  · Unfollow Post · May 15 at 12:45pm

Whitebuffalocalfwoman Twindeermother Aho Sister Susan, okay until we come up with another image we all like. White Buffalo Calf Woman
May 15 at 2:00pm · Like

Whitebuffalocalfwoman Twindeermother Ps. Susan, don't know how to put an image up. Also it's been like this all day long. It's there then gone. Keep trying. If you like this image. Wbcw.
May 15 at 2:03pm · Like

Whitebuffalocalfwoman Twindeermother ps. keep trying.
May 15 at 2:04pm · Like

Whitebuffalocalfwoman Twindeermother Aho
May 15 at 2:04pm · Like

Jeff Siegfried Aho
May 15 at 3:39pm · Like

Chelsea Moreritz aho jeff.
May 15 at 5:59pm · Like

Whitebuffalocalfwoman Twindeermother invited the group to May 20, 2012 Ghost Walk (New Moon Dance).
Like ·  · Unfollow Post · May 15 at 1:34pm

Whitebuffalocalfwoman Twindeermother

Like ·  · Unfollow Post · May 15 at 12:46pm

Whitebuffalocalfwoman Twindeermother

Like ·  · Unfollow Post · May 15 at 12:51pm

Whitebuffalocalfwoman Twindeermother

Like ·  · Unfollow Post · May 15 at 12:49pm

Whitebuffalocalfwoman Twindeermother

Like ·  · Unfollow Post · May 15 at 12:42pm

Whitebuffalocalfwoman Twindeermother
Relatives, we are searching for the right image. Here is an idea. White Buffalo Calf Woman

Like ·  · Unfollow Post · May 15 at 12:36pm

Whitebuffalocalfwoman Twindeermother Ps don't forget our facebook page keeping them insynch. We can change both pages Sister Susan Perna yoru devoted Sister White Buffalo Calf Woman http://www.facebook.com/RainbowWarriorsofProphecy

Rainbow Warriors
Facebook Community with Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy
Page: 19 like this
May 15 at 12:40pm · Like ·

Whitebuffalocalfwoman Twindeermother ps. we will keep looking, I will send a few more out.
May 15 at 12:40pm · Like

Warriors of the Rainbow Clan learning to be Parents and Soldiers to Love in the leaves (relatives in the blue of me and you, the trail of tears). Take up weapons to slain, all we don't need (sever ignorance, with validation, mending two broken hearts). Yet as our hearts tremble (because those who use hate or separation), we stand for LOVE all the way, this means we are loyal to all of God children who breath. We have tears abundant for all who need to forgive their parents and children please. Because a new Dawning is coming, to alleviate all this fuss, and make us be champions, who fight in the dust. Planting and rooting, to find the waters edge, there we are the heart of everything said. New stories are abundant to all that we say, and we are going on a journey, that leads us a way (in sacred flight, the souls dream). Into the hearts of those who need light, to bless all their darkness, sow shade will be right (from within the darkness the light is born)(by alleviating their plight, blessed by heaven, the soul's realm through the sacred walk). We are fighting for LOVE every day, including the LOVE of HEAVEN sent. Let us be warriors who stand for what is right, because we show mercy, and we have more love to show the way. Teach what is right, that law is the LOVE, then when two hearts united, we fight with intelligence. However if LOVE doesn't lead the way, then we fight to unite LOVE, two broken hearts, then we know that we are walking the truth path, the love to each other, the kind that lasts, over rolling hills in time, over the suns, and into the heart of the blue seas of every one. We are the Prophecy, the Rain upon the Land, so parched, it will need a Rainbow, to serve it home the right way and know where to land (the Rainbow always lands on the pot of gold, abundance, brotherhood)!

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